25 thoughts on “Haganai (BD) – Batches

  1. You think you can team up with roankun again and have the seiyuu event special on the OVA BD subbed/encoded at some point? I really enjoyed the work both of you did for the Air Recital.

  2. Well..I hope you would did encode & re-TS Mazui subs for 13ep. Idk what went wrong, but my subtitle was like this: http://puu.sh/1aj2y

    Thanks a lot for the batch, re-download & rewatch this show is totally awesome. Especially since the 2nd season projects is decided xD

  3. good job!! I keep waiting for BD release of Haganai, and no fansubber out there are doing it. Thank you so much.
    And, a question. Which sub do you used for this release?

  4. Could you use:
    Super easy to use them and no crap associated(waiting, tickets, etc) with every download. I simply cannot use the other DDL =/

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